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Compute the evolution of REDI over successive inputs


loop_redi(data, coef = 0.1)



A tibble or data frame, containing an Input column (with the Date format) and an Output column. A simple vector of workload values, pre-sorted by chronological order can also be provided.


A number corresponding to the lambda coefficient, controlling the decay of the exponential weights. Default is 0.1.


A tibble similar to data, containing an additional REDI

column computed over the successive input values.


data <- simu_db()
loop_redi(data = data, coef = 0.1)
#> # A tibble: 366 × 4
#>    Input      Output  REDI Lambda
#>    <date>      <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl>
#>  1 2023-01-01   NA    50.0    0.1
#>  2 2022-12-31   NA    50.0    0.1
#>  3 2022-12-30   49.2  50.0    0.1
#>  4 2022-12-29   NA    50.2    0.1
#>  5 2022-12-28   47.8  50.2    0.1
#>  6 2022-12-27   NA    50.8    0.1
#>  7 2022-12-26   NA    50.8    0.1
#>  8 2022-12-25   NA    50.8    0.1
#>  9 2022-12-24   52.2  50.8    0.1
#> 10 2022-12-23   48.4  50.5    0.1
#> # ℹ 356 more rows